Hiver 2012: IN THE END
Apologies for interrupting your schedule (Christmas shopping, apocalypse, etc.), but SilenceRadio is still alive and coming back.
While the dark season is reaching its pinnacle, this edition of 10 new pieces is cheating death. One talks about the end of a cycle, another one about sounds that disintegrate or disappear and leave us voiceless. It also by several times deals with going back in time and rewinding: would some introspection be a good promise of rebirth?
Today the project of SilenceRadio is into the equation. Whereas, since April 2005, we have been surfing tricky waves from REC to PLAY, we now have to choose between PAUSE and STOP. Anyway, from the beginning we knew that the future of all radio was silence.
How would you be listening if it was the last time?
ACCIDENT ___ Henri Morelle
Twenty seconds and we are still counting.
MONTÉ AU COUTEAU ___ Anne-James Chaton
Winding back, 1. The list.
EXTRACT #1 ___ Andreas Trobollowitsch
Classical guitar will get you anywhere, even to sound art.
ON VA COUPER LE MICRO ___ Thomas Baumgartner
Winding back, 2. Voices.
APHONE ___ Yann Leguay
The microphone is a weapon. The disc grinder too.
DÉBRUITAGE ___ Christophe Deleu, François Teste
Winding through, 3. Noises.
LIMNEE ___ Pablo Sanz
In mud we trust.
OH SWEET POTATO ___ Hanna Hartman
Night in the city.
PRÉLUDE À L’AGONIE ___ Anthony Carcone
Death in the city.
IN THE END ___ Gregory Whitehead
At the beginning it was the same as the end. But every sound piece has an end.
SilenceRadio is a project of acsr – atelier de création sonore radiophonique, with the collaboration of Domaine