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PORTAL PHONOCENE | commissioned 8-channel sound work for TONSPUR_passage, curated by Georg Weckwerth
opening event | 23.02.2025 | introduction by Jacob Eriksen
exhibition 24.02 – 26.04.2025
residency | MuseumsQuartier, Vienna | FEBRUARY 2025
open studio MQ | 25.02.2025
program with workshops and talks curated for La Casa Encendida | APRIL-DEC 2025
Tim Ingold | Cómo el mundo se hace oír | 2.04.2025
Thinking with our ears | workshop with katrinem + Sam Auinger | MAY 2025
full program to be announced soon
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STRANGE STRANGERS | cassette tape + digital release on Vertical Music
review | Richard Allen | a closer listen
review | John Nicol | OBLADADA
(c)ovid’s metamorphoses | CD/DVD/BOOK | meakusma, Belgium (cat. MEA047)
curated by Bernd Herzogenrath & Lasse-Marc Riek
release date 15.12.2023
EBB AND FLOW | commissioned for SEMI SILENT
digital release | audio for headphone listening | may 2023
composed with recordings made during SONIC FUTURE RESIDENCIES at Port Cetate, Dolj county, Romania, in september 2022
ESPACIOS OCUPADOS, Instituto Cervantes | online platform | launch 3.10.2023
activities in collaboration with Cervantes Institute in Krakow
features an interview by Piotr Madej (English/Spanish/Polish)
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ECOLOGIAS DE LA ESCUCHA | La Casa Encendida, Madrid
curatorial | program with workshops and online seminar series throughout 2024 for La Casa Encendida
ONLINE: Gabriela De Mola y Belén Alfaro (Dobra Robota Editora), Eloisa Matheu, Susana Jiménez Carmona, Raquel Castro, Clara de Asís, Luz María Sanchez, Marina Hervás, Carmen Pardo, Susan Campos Fonseca
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Fonografía y creación sonora
workshop | 12-21 MARCH 2024
La Casa Encendida, Madrid
Soundwalking. Taller de paseos sonoros y audio geolocalizado
workshop | 21-30 MAY 2024
La Casa Encendida, Madrid
Creación sonora espacial y Ambisonics
workshop | 8-17 OCTOBER 2024
La Casa Encendida, Madrid
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Le Banquet d’été | Lagrasse, FR | 3-9 AUGUST
STRANGE STRANGERS | listening event
curated by Aurélien Caillaux & Benoit Bories
SONIQUETES sesiones de escucha colectiva
Jardín del Turia, Valencia, ES | 20.06.2024
MANZANARES | listening event
curated by Carys Wall & Laura Romero Valldecabres
AMAZONIA | Pratt Manhattan Gallery, NYC, US
exhibition | curated by Berta Sichel and Patricia Capa | 29.09 – 9.12.2023
ÜLE HELI festival | Tallinn, EE
KRISTALLOFOONIA, eˉlektron | 22.10.2023
ENTANGLED | immersive ambisonics concert, 23 speakers
ÜLE HELI festival | Tallinn, EE
Estonian Centre for Contemporary Music (ECCM Eesti Nüüdismuusika Keskus) | 21.10.2023
artist talk | Pablo Sanz, murmer (Patrick McGinley) and Alo Allik
MAAJAAM, Neeruti, Estonia | 9-17.10.2023
sound residency & workshop
OSCILLATIONS & MODULATIONS festiva | Guildhall, Derry, NI | 30.09.2023
ENTANGLED | immersive ambisonics concert | curated and produced by Northern Lights Project
THE SCHOOL OF WILD LISTENING | Unit 44, Dublin, IE | 27.09.2023
ENTANGLED | immersive ambisonics concert
RADIOPHRENIA | Glasgow area + online
broadcast | CANARIAS SOUNDWALK series and EBB & FLOW | 20.08 — 3.09.2023
Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN) | Gran Canaria, ES
research residency | 24.08 – 8.09.2023
project in collaboration with oceanographer Joan Llort (BSC-CNS Barcelona Supercomputing Centre)
RIEN A VOIR! festival | Monesties, FR
sound itinerary for headphone listening featuring ARRAU | 17-18.06.2023
SONIC NARRATIVES #3 | Bega Canal Timisoara, RO
EBB AND FLOW | SFR listening | 26.05 — 10.06.2023
Laboratorio de Sonido | ETOPIA Centro de Arte y Tecnología, Zaragoza, ES
exhibition | 22-channel immersive ambisonics installation
artist talk | 27.04.2023 – 18:00
talk for students from the Conservatory of Music of Aragon (CSMA) and ETOPIA inhabitants | 28.04.2023 – 12:00
ETOPIA Centro de Arte y Tecnología, Zaragoza, ES
artist-in-residence | january-april 2023
STRP festival 2023 – THE ART OF LISTENING | 13-16.04.2023 | Eindhoven, The Netherlands
earthing | exhibition
CON LOS PIES EN LA TIERRA (DOWN TO EARTH) | group exhibition | 6.10.2022 – 26.02.2023
Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno (CAAM) | Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
curated by Blanca de la Torre and Zoran Eric
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2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009