Author Archives: admin


EARTHING is a project created from audio recordings made inside the exclusion zone during the final days of the eruption of the Tajogaite volcano in Cumbre Vieja, La Palma, in 2021. On 12 December, the eruptive process reached 85 days … Continue reading


2021, interactive web-based composition for headphone listening, 20 min. A multidimensional composition featuring various intertwined soundspaces and listening pathways, created for the RIVERSSSOUNDS web platform. MANZANARES soundwalk 2021, stereo for headphone listening, 14 min. MANZANARES invites us to listen with(in) the … Continue reading

© 2021 admin. All rights reserved.


obra de arte público en Washington DC, permanente, activa desde el otoño 2021 proyecto producido por la Oficina Cultural de la Embajada Española en Estados Unidos CANARIAS DC SOUNDWALK explora las ecologías sonoras de las Islas Canarias, un archipiélago volcánico … Continue reading

strange strangers

strange strangers

2019, 37 min, for headphone listening originally commissioned for R{A}DIO{CUSTICA}, Czech Radio Vltava (ÄŒeský rozhlas ÄŒRo 3) first aired on 30.10.2019, PremEdition Radioateliér. curated by Ladislav Zelený. winner of the Prix Paysage Sonore / Field Recording at the Phonurgia Nova … Continue reading